President Trump Invites Unelected Billionaire Co-President Elon Musk to the Oval Office

America was warned by prominent and well-respected persons on both sides of the political divide not to allow Donald Trump back into the White House.

The country did not listen. Millions of Americans preferred a racist, convicted felon over a more than capable woman of mixed racial heritage.

If there’s any more proof necessary that the White House grounds have become Crazy Town than the sick, disgusting image of an exuberant Elon Musk standing over the shoulder of Trump in the Oval Office.

A man Trump has entrusted to do a search and destroy mission on Federal agencies in DC.

Think of the distinguished men who have served the country from behind that desk in the White House.

Men of character and decency, who were worthy of the nation’s respect.

Donald Trump is none of those things.

His Nazi-saluting pal Elon Musk is even worse.

America is headed into deep, unsafe waters with these two unprincipled morons at the helm.

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