Once upon a time, a liberal Supreme Court Justice who had stayed around too long, passed away and the Democratic president that was expected to quickly nominate a replacement was unjustly denied that opportunity by the Senate Majority Leader. A smirking and decidedly creepy old conservative legislator named Mitch McConnell.
McConnell and President Obama, a mismatch made in hell.
Creepy old white guy never congratulated Obama for winning the election in 2016. McConnell infamously said, in so many words, that it was his intention that the then president-elect serve only one term.
Good old days, huh Mitch?
Well, as they say, time waits for no one and the Supreme Court seat thief who turned the conservative court even further to the right, got old, and has fallen deeply out of favor with the current regime in Washington, DC. right now.
The regime of wannabe dictator Donald Trump, or King Trump, or whatever the hell idiotic thing he’s calling himself this week.
The old man will serve out the remainder of his term and not seek reelection in 2026.
Well, hallelujah or something!
McConnell did show some independence in voting against one of Trump’s cabinet nominees.
Does he deserve respect for that effort? – Never.
Mitch is going away along with his bias and mean-spiritedness and all those other annoying personality quirks that old Southern gents tend to display towards people of color in positions of power.
Ain’t that right, Mitch?
This phony can leave and head right out the door back to his beloved Kentucky..
He will not be missed in DC. Not at all.
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